JAKARTA - At least two warehouses in Avian Warehouse, Siak II Street, Payung Sekaki District, Pekanbaru City in Riau Province, were sealed.

The sealing was carried out by the Pekanbaru City Industry and Trade Office (Disperindag) because the two warehouses used for storing technical and furniture equipment did not have legality in the form of Warehouse Registration Signs (TDG) and Business Identification Numbers (NIB). "When we carried out surveillance, we found that the two warehouses did not have legality. So we took action," said the Head of the Pekanbaru City Industry Office, Zulhelmi Arifin, Friday, April 26, which was confiscated by Antara. He said that his party did not immediately take firm action in the form of sealing. However, since one month ago, action has been taken in the form of warnings, warnings, and ended in sealing on Thursday, April 25. "We have asked the owners to take care of their permits and complete their legality. But not to this day we have carried out temporary sealing," he said.

Lebih lanjut, dia mengimbau kepada seluruh pengusaha yang memiliki gudang agar melengkapi legalitas mereka. TDG wajib dimiliki pergudangan untuk mengetahui barang apa yang mereka stok ditempat tersebut.Ia menambahkan, pengelola gudang tersebut melanggar Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 5 tahun 2021 tentang perizinan. Sanksi administrasi berupa teguran hingga penutupan sementara telah telah diberikan, dan jika belum juga memiliki TDG, bakal ada sanksi denda.

Disperindag Pekanbaru, in March also found that many did not have TDGTDG when conducting inspections at 300 warehouses at the Simin Street Warehouse Complex. At that time, half of them were found to have no TDG.

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