JAKARTA - Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka said that the coalition was waiting for the direction of President-elect Prabowo Subianto.

This was said by Gibran after Prabowo yesterday received a visit from the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, in Kartanegara Jakarta and then visited the PKB headquarters in Jakarta to meet Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin.

"We'll wait. What is clear is that Pak Prabowo has met figures outside the coalition. In the future, we'll just have to wait," he said in Solo, Central Java, Friday, April 26, which was confiscated by Antara.

Although it is still a secret for the coalition to be formed by the two, Gibran ensured that Prabowo had embraced those who had become rivals during the 2024 Presidential Election contestation.

"Pak Prabowo has embraced all those who are contestants 01 and contestants 03. Just wait," he said.

Asked about several political parties that have begun to close to Prabowo-Gibran, he is not ready to answer in detail. "Just wait. Other parties just wait," he added.

Meanwhile, when asked about the absence of communication with PDIP, according to him, there is no problem. He also ensured that none of the political parties left by the Prabowo-Gibran pair.

"If it's not okay. Not leaving, this is the decision of each party. No one has been left, we offer to meet, be friendly, no one has been left behind," he said.

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