Environmental activists stated that Geopark Geosite rocks in Natuna Regency, Riau Islands were targeted by the vandalism of irresponsible persons.
Environmental activist Cherman said vandalism was found in the Tanjung Senumbing Geosite. Vandalism carried out in the form of graffiti using paint and carvings using cement.
He admitted that he was furious to see the graffiti and cement carved on some of the rocks.
According to him, vandalism is an act that will harm the region because this action will eliminate authenticity from geosites which will ultimately reduce tourist attraction.
"I regret the actions of individuals or visitors to tourist attractions that destroy the environment in geopark geosite areas, especially in the form of graffiti on rocks, either using paint or carving with cement," he said in Natuna, Antara, Tuesday, April 23.
He said vandalism was not only seen in the Tanjung Senumbing Geosite, but also in the Geopark Geosite of Mount Ranai.
According to him, the writing made is quite disturbing and destroys beauty.
"In addition to the Tanjung Senubing Geosite, writings and carvings on the stone were also found in locations along the Mount Ranai Geopark climbing route," he said.
He said he had reported the matter to the Natuna Regency Tourism Office so that it could be followed up immediately.
He hopes that the report will be followed up immediately and the perpetrators can be found immediately and given a warning so as not to repeat the act in the future.
Cherman hopes that this destructive activity will not be carried out again because it will worsen the condition of the region, and will be a bad example because it becomes a negative impression for domestic and foreign tourists after seeing this.
"What we are more worried about is that the status of the National Natuna Geopark will be threatened with being revoked just because of something like this," said Cherman.
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