PDI-P politician (PDIP) Moh Ramdhan Pomanto admitted that he had been summoned by the PDIP Central Leadership Council (DPP) in Jakarta. The summons is to prepare his steps to advance in the 2024 South Sulawesi Pilkada (Sulsel) contestation.

"I was just summoned by the PDI-P DPP. InSya-Allaah, I have received orders to immediately conduct consolidation, coalition and ordered to walk. I just got home last night," said the man who is familiarly called Danny Pomanto while attending the BEM National Working Meeting at the Makassar Unismuh Campus, South Sulawesi, Tuesday, April 23, which was confiscated by Antara.

Danny said that before his confession, he had conducted an assessment with a number of political parties to participate in the 2024 South Sulawesi Pilkada contestation.

"Almost all of our parties are exploring, well, the name is still being disbursed. So, regarding socialization, we will socialize. The issue of progress will be determined in August," said the Mayor (Walkot) of Makassar for these two periods.

Regarding who his partner will be, Danny admits that he is still dynamic. However, personally, Danny wants as a candidate for governor in the South Sulawesi Pilkada.

"Including the couple. The couple depends on the package, including the coalition. The coalition and the pair are one package, so we should not be careless about the couple because this depends on the coalition," he said.

Previously, Danny said he would make a decision after the dispute decision on the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections at the Constitutional Court or the Constitutional Court on April 22, 2024. Regarding the party's decision, he said, it was entirely up to the PDI-P DPP management to decide.

From observations, a number of figures in gadang-gadang ran as contestants in the Pilkada for the Governor and Deputy Governor of South Sulawesi including former South Sulawesi Governor Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, former Mayor of Makassar for two periods Iham Arief Sirajuddin, Regent of Gowa Adnan Puritah Ichan, Regent of North Luwu Indah Putri Indriani, former Deputy Mayor of Makassar Fatmawati Rusdi.

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