The police arrested a man with the initials NYP (28) who was suspected of killing a woman with a butterfly, RR (35) at the end of Pari Island Pier, Thousand Islands, North Jakarta.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary said the perpetrator was arrested in Guguak VIII Koto, Fifty Cities, West Sumatra, Thursday, April 18, at 05.00 WIB.

"That's right (the perpetrator) NYP in West Sumatra City." Said Ade when confirmed, Monday, April 22.

On that occasion, Ade explained that the victim was a booking order (BO) woman. While the perpetrator is a customer of the woman.

"Perpetrators of customers," he said.

Regarding the three perpetrators who had been previously arrested, said Ade, they were only witnesses.

"Yang 3 kemarin hanya saksi," ucapnya.

Currently, the NYP has been named a suspect and detained.

"He has been detained. Tomorrow it will be released," he said.

Previously, the police had not been able to confirm the cause of the death of a woman with the initials R (35) who was found wrapped in cardboard at Ujung Pulau Pari Pier, Seribu Selatan Islands, North Jakarta. However, RR is suspected of being the victim of murder.

"Because death is waiting for the results of the toxicology lab and histopologies of forensic anatomy," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Saturday, April 20.

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