JAKARTA - The police will conduct a crime scene (TKP) in the frame shop fire case that killed seven people in Mampang, South Jakarta. The goal is to determine the cause of the fire.

"The plan (tKP) will be carried out on Monday (April 22)," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to VOI, Saturday, April 20.

The temporary suspicion that the cause of the frame shop fire was due to the explosion of a compressor. Later, the TKP processing process will confirm it.

In fact, it is possible, from the results of the crime scene processing, other causes of the deadly incident will be obtained based on the evidence found.

In addition, South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Rahmat Idnal said the TKP processing process would involve a Forensic Laboratory team or Forensic Laboratory.

The Labfor team is involved so that the cause of the frame shop fire which can later be concluded can be scientifically or scientifically proven.

"Yes, of course (involve Labfor). On Monday, the crime scene will be processed," said Ade.

The frame shop fire broke out on Thursday, April 18, at around 19:24 WIB. Seven people died in the incident.

Then, there were five people who suffered burns. Currently, they are undergoing medical treatment at several hospitals.

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