JAKARTA - The Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) also responded to the clash that occurred between supporters of Paslon 01 Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar and supporters of Paslon 02 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka during an action in front of the Constitutional Court (MK) building yesterday. PKS invites the two candidate pairs to calmly wait for the results of the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the 2024 presidential election dispute which will be announced on Monday, April 22.

"Let the Constitutional Court judges work calmly. Clashes can actually make judges not focus," said PKS DPP chairman Mardani Ali Sera to reporters, Saturday, April 20.

The member of Commission II of the DPR assessed that peaceful demonstrations may be carried out as long as they are carried out in an orderly manner. He also asked all parties to entrust the results to the Constitutional Court.

"Come on, demonstrations are allowed, but orderly and civilized. We entrust it to the Constitutional Court," he said.

Previously, two mass groups supporting Anies Baswedan were involved in clashes with a mass group supporting Prabowo on Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, the Monas Horse Statue, Central Jakarta, Friday, April 19, afternoon. The clash occurred at around 15.00 WIB.

The clash was triggered by a different oration, from the mass camp supporting Prabowo. Because they satirized each other through a loudspeaker oration, the two groups of masses finally clashed with each other.

"The police have stopped their speeches. The Central Jakarta Police Chief must be responsible. If there is a commotion, we will attack the Polda Metro Jaya," said one of the orators from the stage of the Joint Action demanding that the Constitutional Court be fair and correct.

Then one of the mass groups threw stones at Prabowo's mass line opposite Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat. Actions to throw each other with stones and bottles of mineral water also occurred.

"Mr. Police Chief, give the right signal," he said.

There was also a chase for each other. In fact, the two groups of masses had chased each other. Luckily the riots did not last long. The commotion subsided when Sabhara and Brimob officers arrived at the location.

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