JAKARTA - The Democrat Party Extraordinary Congress (KLB) decided Moeldoko as the elected party chairman. This decision was based on voting in the KLB which was held in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra.

"To decide, to determine the first, from the second candidate, based on the standing vote, then Mr. Moeldoko will be appointed as General Chair of the Democratic Party for the 2021-2025 Period," said Jhoni Allen when reading the plenary decision, Friday, March 5.

Moeldoko defeated another candidate, Marzuki Alie, who was nominated by the NTB DPD. Moeldoko himself was nominated by several regions such as the DPD Central Kalimantan, West Papua to Aceh.

After reading out the voting, Jhony Allen asked the KLB participants. "Do you agree," "Agree," said the KLB participant.

With the election of Moeldoko, he will replace the chairman of the Democrats, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). Moeldoko himself is not yet at the location of the Democrat KLB.

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