Gerindra Prioritizes Cadres Instead Of Bobby Nasution In The 2024 North Sumatra Gubernatorial Election
Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution/DOK Instagram bobbynst
JAKARTA - The daily chairman of the Gerindra Party DPP, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, responded to the question of President Joko Widodo's son-in-law, Bobby Nasution, who intends to run in the 2024 North Sumatra Pilkada. Dasco said the Gerindra Party was prioritizing internal cadres to run as regional heads in both the gubernatorial election (Pilgub), the election of regents (Pilbup) and the election of mayors (Pilwakot). "In general, the results of the Gerindra Party's national coordination meeting mandate internal cadres to become candidates for governor, regent candidates and mayor candidates," said Dasco at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, April 17. For this reason, said Dasco, the Gerindra DPD-DPD is preparing data on internal cadres to then be submitted to the DPP. Both those who want to advance in the gubernatorial election, pilbup, and pilwakot. "Therefore, for other candidates who are outside the internal, of course we will also see what their names are, how then the situation and conditions in their respective regions are with internal cadres in the Gerindra party," said Dasco. Previously, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution stated that in the near future he would like to immediately take the registration form for the 2024 North Sumatra gubernatorial election through all parties, including through PDIP, even though he had been dropped as a PDIP cadre. "Yes, we registered to try the form from all parties. Yes, God willing, we will try it later (take a form from PDIP). God willing, hopefully," said Bobby, to a number of media crews, Tuesday, April 16. Bobby said that later he would continue to try to establish good communication with PDIP. According to him, establishing good communication is not only related to politics, but also work matters are also assisted and supported by a number of political parties in the Medan City DPRD. "Iya (jalin komunikasi dengan baik), saya sudah sampaikan kami dengan seluruh partai bukan hanya unsur politiknya ya, tetapi urusan kerja kami, ya saya dengan DPRD Kota Medan, dengan seluruh faksi. Misalnya, beberapa kebijakan, beberapa keputusan yang kita ambil yang artinya kerja kita di Medan juga disupport oleh partai-partai politik," ujarnya. Bobby admitted that he did not take any dizziness and ignored some of the PDIP's symptoms that offended him. In fact, Bobby considers the PDIP sentiment as a longing call.
"I think yesterday was also a longing call. God willing, we will take a form," he said. Bobby said, there have been several parties that have supported him to run in the North Sumatra Pilgub. The support was also given verbally or in the form of a letter.

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