JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) received amicus theft files or court friends for two disputes over the results of the 2024 presidential election from representatives of the student executive body (BEM) of the four universities.

The four BEMs are the Justicia FH Student Council of Gadjah Mada University (UGM), BEM FH Padjadjaran University (Unpad), BEM FH Diponegoro University (Undip), and BEM FH Universitas Airlangga (Unair). Acting (acting) as representatives of the four BEMs who submitted the files were Commissioners for the Movement of the Justicia Student Council, FH UGM Muhammad Emir Bernadaine. Meanwhile, the MK party who received the file was represented by the Head of the Secretary of the AACC Secretariat and Foreign Cooperation Immanuel Hutasoit as well as the Head of Public Relations and Domestic Cooperation Section Andi Hakim. "We received eight amicus theft documents and we have received them well. We will convey this comprehensively," he said. Immanuel and Andi also expressed their gratitude for the support from MK through amicus shipae.

Meanwhile, from the BEM representative, Emir, revealed the reasons for the four student institutions to propose amicus stealing to the Constitutional Court judges, among others, to make a concrete contribution to the institution which is judging the case regarding the general election. "Amicus, we propose solely as a form of moral responsibility and our concern as law students to what happened in the general election of the president and his overall election this year," he said. They hope that the Constitutional Court will consider the points of explanation they put forward in the document. The points presented are recommending the Honorable Panel of Judges of the Constitutional Court to consider several proposals. The first proposal is to cancel KPU Decree Number 360 of 2024 concerning Stipulation of the General Election Results of the President and Vice President, DPR Members, DPD, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/City DPRD nationally in the 2024 Election. Second, ordering the KPU to re-elect the general election of the president and vice president with independent, implicit, and integrity. Third, recommend the panel of judges to act progressively by prioritizing the values of substantive justice and benefit in decision making and not only prioritizing aspects of formal justice that are narrow or legal certainty alone. Finally, it is proposed that the panel of judges decide the PHPU case of the presidential election based on conscience and reject all forms of intervention so that it can produce a fairest decision or ex aequo et bono.

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