JAKARTA - The National Police-Criminal Investigation Unit plans to investigate the alleged Unlawful Killing case with three reported members of Regional Police Metro Jaya, next week.

"Next week we will hold fingerprints", said the Director-General of Criminal Action at the National Criminal Investigation Police Brigadier General Andi Rian.

With the title of the case, likely, the three members of Regional Police Metro Jaya who are the reporters in the case will be named as suspects.

However, for the current process, he said, it was still in the investigation stage and not an investigation. The process has entered the stage of compiling files and evidence to carry out a case title.

"We have the preliminary evidence, we just need to compile and complete it", said Brigadier General Andi.

Previously, three members of Regional Police Metro Jaya were appointed as reported in the Unlawful Killing. This determination was based on the Police Report (LP) model A after receiving a recommendation from Komnas HAM (The Indonesian National Human Rights Commission).

This case constitutes the second series of cases of clashes between members of the police and the six troops of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

Where the police were forced to shoot four members of the FPI troops. But the shooting was allegedly considered an unlawful killing because the police made no other effort to avoid the death toll.

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