The Korlantas Polri has decided to implement a contraflow system at KM70-KM47 Cikampek Toll Road towards Jakarta tonight.

Korlantas informed that the contraflow policy backflow towards Jakarta was enforced starting at 19.30 WIB, Friday, April 12.

Meanwhile, the backflow that passes at the Kalikangkung Toll Gate, Semarang, Central Java, has not increased significantly until the afternoon.

"Today, 22,019 vehicles have entered from Semarang to Jakarta since 06.00 WIB," said Head of the Kalilkangkung Toll Gate Integrated Post (GT) AKP SujidR.

The average motorized vehicle that flows back from Central Java to Jakarta is 1,500 to 2,300 vehicles per hour. "For vehicles passing are dominated by private vehicles," he said.

Sujid said that currently all toll gates in the location are opened. There are six doors from Jakarta to Semarang and six doors for Semarang to Jakarta and four satellite doors added.

"Indeed, the number has not increased significantly," he said.

He said the number of vehicles made the Police have not implemented one direction (one way) and are still waiting for directions from the center.

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