BOYOLALI - Security Post Officers (Pospam) are busy carrying out the vehicle opening and closing system for travelers entering the KM 487 A Boyolali Toll Road Rest Area, Central Java, today or D-4 Lebaran.
From observations at the KM 487 A Boyolali or Bale Nglaras Toll Road Rest Area, Boyolali Regency, it shows that Pospam officers are busy arranging the entrance to open and close the area due to the full parking condition of the vehicle.
Head of the KM 487 A Boyolali Toll Rest Area Pospam Iptu Suparmi said the parking condition at the KM 487 A Boyolali Toll Rest Area was carried out by the opening and closing system from Friday (5/4), noon, until this Saturday, because the incoming homecoming vehicles were full.
"The parking capacity is 125 cars at the KM 487 A Boyolali Toll Rest Area, if the condition is full, the system area will open and close. So this Saturday it will start to open and close at 10.00 WIB until now," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 6.
The flow of homecoming has increased since Friday (5/4) afternoon or D-5 Lebaran until now, considering the vehicle from the west or Jakarta, along with the school holiday.
His party since Friday (5/4) afternoon carried out an open and closed system until now. Once the car parking lot has reached 100 percent or 125 units of vehicles, the rest area entrance is immediately temporarily closed.
In addition, officers also placed members at the rest area exit to anticipate vehicles parked outside the exit, which are prone to triggering traffic accidents at that location.
"For this reason, we place two personnel at the entrance to the rest area and two personnel at the exit. If the parking lot has started to decrease, then the door will be reopened for travelers," he said.
The number of travelers entering the rest area on Saturday has increased compared to the previous day. On Friday (5/4) there was an increase in the number of vehicles by about 25 percent compared to normal days. The number of vehicles on Saturday (6/4) has increased again by about 10 percent compared to the previous one.
"Sabtu ini kami sudah sistem buka cap rest area sejak pukul 10.00 WIB selama 30 menit. Kami imbauan pemudit boleh rest di rest area hanya selama 30 menit setelah itu, melanjutkan perjalanan lagi," katanya.
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