SULTRA - The Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police (Polda) deployed animal police or K9 to patrol residential areas in Kendari City during the Eid Al-Fitr 1445 Hijri/2024 AD homecoming flow.

Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Police Animal Subatgas AKP Cusril Risard Gattu said the patrol activity was specifically in empty housing left by travelers in the context of Operation Ketupat Anoa 2024.

"They aim to ensure security and prevent criminal acts in the area," said Cusril in Kendari, Friday, April 5, as reported by Antara.

He said the patrol was also carried out together with the Samapta Task Force in several strategic locations, such as at the Adi Bahasa Roundabout, The Park Mall, and around the Kendari City Hospital.

"This was taken to maintain order and security during the long Lebaran holiday period and provide a sense of security to the community," he said.

In carrying out the patrol, said Cusril, the animal police used two sniffer dogs to help detect suspicious activities or potential criminal acts.

Their presence, he said, is expected to provide a deterrent effect for criminals, as well as increase a sense of security for residents who are leaving their homes on their homecoming trips.

He explained that Operation Ketupat Anoa 2024 showed the police's commitment to maintaining security and order during the 1445 H Eid Al-Fitr holiday period.

"By involving sufficient personnel and carried out at strategic points, it is hoped that this operation can reduce the potential for criminal acts and traffic accidents during the holiday period," he said.

He said that the patrol activity was part of the police's efforts to maintain security and order in their area, as well as provide protection to the community.

"With patrols in residential areas and strategic locations carried out in the implementation of Operation Ketupat Anoa 2024, it is hoped that it can create a safe and comfortable environment for all residents of Kendari City," he added.

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