JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plans to ask the assets belonging to the former Head of Makassar Customs Andhi Pramono to the witnesses who will be summoned. The investigation into the crime of money laundering (TPPU) developed from the case of receiving gratuities will be carried out completely.

It is known that investigators from the anti-corruption commission have confiscated a number of assets belonging to Andhi which are suspected to be the result of receiving gratuities. Most recently, they have confiscated a blue Chevrolet BLR 58 type Biscayne brand which was disguised and hidden using someone else's name.

"With these findings and other assets will soon be further confirmed on the witnesses summoned by the investigative team," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters quoted on Friday, April 5.

However, Ali has not specified who the witnesses will be summoned. They are only expected to be cooperative in front of investigators.

Previously reported, the anti-corruption commission revealed that the total assets that had been confiscated from the former Head of Makassar Customs Andhi Pramono reached approximately Rp. 76 billion. This forced effort was carried out in relation to the alleged money laundering resulting from receiving gratuities.

One of the assets confiscated was 2,597 square meters of land located in Kenten Laut Village, Talang Kelapa District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra.

As for the gratification case, Andhi was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the Panel of Judges at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court. He is said to have received gratuities of up to Rp58,974,116,189.

The details of the receipt are IDR 50,286,275,189.79. Then he received 264,500 US dollars or equivalent to IDR 3,800,871,000 and 409 thousand Singapore dollars or equivalent to IDR 4,886,970,000.

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