JAKARTA - The legal team Ganjar-Mahfud assessed that President Joko Widodo's diligent distribution of social assistance (bansos) during the campaign moment for the 2024 presidential election had an electoral impact on one of the candidate pairs (paslon).

According to a member of Ganjar Mahfud's legal team, Ignatius Andy, distributing social assistance has an attachment to the electability of the candidate pair for the 2024 presidential election, in this case Gibran Rakabuming Raka as candidate pair number 2 of his vice presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto as well as Jokowi's son.

"We pay attention to and calculate that before or near the voting day, January-February, or during the presidential campaign period, the republic's number one person is busy there up to 24 times distributing social assistance or commonly called social assistance or whatever it is called," he said at the 2024 presidential election dispute hearing at the Constitutional Court Building (MK) Jakarta, Thursday 4 April.

Ignatius views that the massive distribution of social assistance is only for two months when the campaign period raises questions. On the one hand, the president actually has subordinates in the cabinet who are tasked with managing social assistance activities and distribution.

"In our observations there is no massive problem of hunger. There is no social disaster. There is no natural disaster that deserves the attention of a president so he is busy doing this business. Even the minister is not that busy, who is in charge of social affairs. Then what is the professional justification of a president, the supreme commander distributes social assistance during campaign times," said Ignatius.

Based on the argument presented, the Ganjar-Mahfud legal team views the diligent distribution of social assistance in the campaign moments as clear evidence of indications of nepotism allegedly carried out by the president.

"In our opinion, this is input in our petition, that is a real example of nepotism, the only reason, electoral, to support his son to become vice president, there is no other reason," said Ignatius.

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