The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Semarang City appealed to travelers to be aware of extreme weather which is expected to still occur during future kicks.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Semarang City BPBD Endro P Martanto at the opening of the 2024 Lebaran Homecoming Humanitarian Integrated Command Post at the Gombel Climbing which was founded by the Semarang City BPBD together with BNPB and the volunteer community.

"I remind you that extreme weather will still occur until the next week. In fact, until Lebaran," he said, Wednesday, April 3, was confiscated by Antara.

Endro ensured that the Semarang City BPBD would continue to coordinate with the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) to monitor weather developments at all times, including during the flow of Eid homecoming and return.

"We always have an 'update' with the BMKG. This extreme capacity (weather, ed.) is moderate to heavy rain, accompanied by wind," he said.

Therefore, he said, travelers, especially those who use motorbikes to prepare themselves properly, especially health conditions must be primed, in addition to vehicles must also be healthy.

"Then,'safety drive', like every three hours of rest. Don't force it. For now, the attention is indeed this. Travelers should pay attention to weather factors," he said.

For vulnerable routes, he said, it could be said that vulnerable points occur along the way because they use motorbikes so that travelers are advised to be careful and prioritize safety.

According to him, the Ministry of Transportation has actually provided free homecoming by bus from Jakarta to various destinations, including in Central Java to prevent homecoming using motorbikes.

In principle, Endro said according to the Ministry of Transportation's advice that going home using a motorbike is not recommended, but 30-40 percent of travelers still dominate using two wheels.

"(Homecomers, ed.) The government has been advised to continue, free bus homecoming is also provided. The reality that occurs using two wheels cannot be prohibited. We can only anticipate and appeal," he said.

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