The Sword Used To Kill The Shopkeeper Was Indeed Prepared By The Perpetrator In A Yaris Car
The Toyota Yaris car that the perpetrator was driving when he killed Resy in Tangerang/ Photo: Jehan

TANGERANG - The police revealed the origin of a sharp weapon (sajam) type of sword or Katana used by DN to stab a shopkeeper named Resy Ariska on Jalan Borobudur, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Kelapa Dua Police, AKP Pardiman said that DN bought a sharp weapon used to kill Resy, which was purchased in the Bogor area, West Java.

"Buy directly in Bogor," said AKP Pardiman at the Kelapa Dua Police, Tuesday, April 2.

However, Pardiman admitted that he was still investigating the purpose of DN having a sword, which he bought in Bogor last week.

"He bought it a few weeks ago," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Kelapa Dua Police, Kompol Stanlly Soselisa, said that his party was still investigating the purpose of DN carrying the sword in his car.

"We are still investigating. Whether the weapon is to be carried at any time, or not, we will report it back later," said Stanlly.

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