JAKARTA Commission VIII of the DPR RI responded to the plan of the Government of Saudi Arabia to limit the maximum age of departures for pilgrims to 90 years. Member of Commission VIII of the DPR, Maman Imanul Haq, hopes that this rule will not be enforced.
Maman explained, if the regulation was implemented, then pilgrims over the age of 90 could not be allowed to perform the pilgrimage. Therefore, he asked the Indonesian government to lobby with Saudi Arabia so that the plan was canceled.
"We ask the government to hold dialogue and lobby Saudi Arabia so that this rule is not implemented," said Maman, Friday, January 10.
He added that many Indonesian pilgrims are elderly, considering that many have registered for Hajj in their old age, while the waiting period for leaving is very long.
"Many Indonesian pilgrims are old because they have registered for a long time and the waiting period is also long. Don't let them not be able to go for Hajj just because of age," said Maman.
Maman also revealed that the waiting period for Indonesian Hajj departures is very long, on average it can reach 25 years. In some areas, such as in Sulawesi, the waiting period can reach almost 50 years.
Therefore, Maman hopes that the Government of Saudi Arabia will not limit the age of departure, but set a standard for istita'ah, namely the physical and health capabilities of the congregation, as a reference for departure.
"If you are old, but still healthy, there is nothing wrong with going for Hajj," he added.
However, until now, Maman said that Commission VIII of the DPR had not received official information regarding the age restriction.
"In writing, there is no official information yet. So, we still can't confirm. But we are sure Saudi Arabia will not implement the restrictions," he said.
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