DIY - The Sleman Regency Government (Pemkab) ensures that the national roads, provincial roads, and alternative roads in its area are ready to be used for the 2024 Eid homecoming flow.

"In general, roads in Sleman are ready to be used for homecoming, even so we still urge the public or road users to remain vigilant because some roads have vulnerability points," said Head of the Sleman Regency Transportation Service (Dishub), Arip Pramana in Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), Tuesday, April 2, confiscated by Antara.

According to him, roads that are considered vulnerable include traffic accidents, prone to traffic congestion, including those prone to natural disasters.

"We have mapped road points that have a fairly high level of vulnerability, and we will carry out traffic security and engineering at these points," he said.

He said, based on the mapping, there were four road points that were prone to traffic accidents, namely on Jalan Kaliurang, Jalan Yogyakarta-Solo, and two points in the upper Prambanan area, namely on the route to tourist destinations in the Prambanan hills area.

"The danger route for travelers who have just entered Yogyakarta or Sleman in addition to the road to Kaliurang tourist destinations, at the top Prambanan route, includes the Breksi Cliff Park tourist area with vulnerabilities in the form of road slopes that are too extreme almost 30 degrees. Meanwhile, the vehicle is designed for 25 degrees on average," he said.

Arip said the anticipatory steps taken were by installing warning signs on the Breksi route to use low teeth.

"We have installed the warning signs on the Breksi Cliff road so that drivers use the lowest teeth, both from above and from below," he said.

Meanwhile, Wakasatlantas Polresta Sleman AKP Arfita Dewi said that the dangerous route mapped was on Jalan Kaliurang Km 4-17, as well as on Jalan Yogyakarta-Solo in the Kalasan area to Prambanan.

"We have also prepared for traffic flow engineering with manual arrangements and diversion of vehicle flow," he said.

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