The Deli Serdang Police, North Sumatra, arrested five suspected couriers of methamphetamine-type narcotics weighing a gross of 1,230 grams (1.2 kilograms) at Kualanamu Airport.

"The perpetrators hid the evidence in the form of a capsule that was put in the stomach," said Head of Public Relations of the North Sumatra Police, Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, in Medan as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 2.

The five male perpetrators had the initials RD (32), DA (20), AR (32), MAP (27) and WS (24) who were residents of Medan and Deli Serdang.

The arrested perpetrator was about to depart from Kualanamu Airport to Soekarno-Hatta Airport on Monday (1/4) at 06.00 WIB.

"This disclosure began with the officer's suspicion of a RD passenger, when he was searched, he found three plastic packs in the form of capsules in pants weighing 272.9 grams of crystal methamphetamine," said Hadi.

Finally, the police interrogated four other RD friends. Initially, according to Hadi, they did not know about the evidence in the form of capsules in RD's body.

"Then, the Deli Serdang Police Narcotics Unit did not lose its mind, the five were then taken to the Kualanamu Airport area Police Headquarters for a more in-depth examination," he said.

After that, Dokkes Deli Serdang was summoned to conduct an examination using the klisma technique method or insert soap into the anus of the perpetrators.

"As a result, 11 plastic packages in the form of capsules were successfully removed from the holes in the rectum of the suspects," explained the 1998 Akpol alumni.

The suspect RD carried 4 capsules weighing 272.9 grams, the DA perpetrators carried 2 capsules of 90.2 grams and 81.7 grams, respectively, then AR carried 3 capsules weighing 263.4 grams.

In addition, MAP carries 3 capsules each with 83.9 grams, 86.9 grams, and 80.2 grams. Finally, WS entered 2 capsules weighing 92.2 grams and 91.7 grams.

"As a result of our interrogation, the five perpetrators admitted that they were ordered by a woman named buk Adek to deliver the methamphetamine to Tangerang City, Banten in exchange for Rp. 7 million per person," said Hadi.

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