The joint Search and Rescue (SAR) team managed to find the victim on behalf of Abu Sahid (27), a resident of Banjar Suri Village, Sidomulyo District, who reportedly drowned while fishing in the waters of Merak Belantung Village, Kalianda District, South Lampung Regency. Head of the Bakauheni SAR Post, Rezie Kuswara, said the victim was found lifeless and was immediately taken to the funeral home. "The joint SAR team received information from the Marina Coast guard at around 04.30 WIB, and the team immediately headed for the location of the victim's discovery and managed to evacuate the victim in a state of death," said Rezie Tuesday, April 2. He said the victim was found floating in a state of death which was found two kilometers from the location reported missing. He explained, with the discovery of the victim, the SAR operation was declared closed and the elements involved were returned to their respective units.

"The team involved in the search and evacuation of the drowning victims was the Bakauheni Sar Post Rescue Team with eight people, one Babinsa Kalida, five Kalianda Police, five Mat Firefighters, along with local village officials and the community and the families of the victims," he said. Abu Sahid (27) reportedly drowned on Sunday, March 31, 2024 at around 16.30 WIB, at that time the victim was fishing on the coast of Merak Belantung Village.

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