JAKARTA - Constitutional law expert, Bivitri Susanti reminded the public not to be consumed by the issue of the 2024 presidential election. He said, there were still six months until the inauguration of the elected president and vice president in October.
This was conveyed by Bivitri in a discussion entitled Law of the Constitutional Court Decision on the 2024 Presidential Election Dispute'. This activity was attended by Professor of Legal Affairs Romli Atmasasmita, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, and DPP Chairman Djarot Saiful Hidayat.
"I want to emphasize that all of us, including fellow journalists, should not be locked up by the advocate's psywar at the Constitutional Court, which has begun to say it is impossible for the KPU to re-election immediately," said Bivitri at a press conference at the Media Center TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, April 1.
"For me, if we talk about substantive justice, we shouldn't be trapped first by assumptions. We're not talking about six weeks, six days, you know. Six months away, really, October 20," he continued.
Bivitri said that the inauguration would not be delayed from the schedule that had been regulated if the Constitutional Court (MK) was decided according to Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar or AMIN and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD. The General Elections Commission (KPU) is believed to be able to hold it.
"Don't forget, this is only the election presidential election. It's not a legislative election anymore. The voter list already exists. Well, so this doesn't make it as complicated as zero but it's already half, maybe a third of the way to go," he explained.
Moreover, Bivitri assessed that the number of frauds that became the subject of lawsuits in the Constitutional Court should be the basis for the recurrence of the 2024 presidential election. So don't think about it directly, 'ah, it's a pity that the KPU can't'. Yes, don't pity it. The KPU's job is that," said this legal expert.
"Don't be locked by assumptions, it's impossible to re-election then we get rid of substantive justice that this is the worst election in Indonesian history," said Bivitri.
Menamini Bivitri, Ketua DPP PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Djarot Saiful Hidayat juga menyebut Pilpres 2024 sangat mungkin diulang. Apalagi, sejak awal ada desain partai demokrasi ini dilaksanakan dua lapisan.
"So don't then cage it, maybe the time is not enough". No, "said Djarot in the same event.
"The time is sufficient, because of what? Because when the law was discussed it was designed for two rounds," concluded the member of the DPR RI.
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