Police officers investigated the case of mass poisoning of takjil food which resulted in dozens of people in Jember Regency, East Java, having to be taken to several public health centers and clinics in the local area.

"We carried out further investigations and took samples of food to be taken to the laboratory," said Mayang Sector Police Chief Iptu Sugeng Romdoni as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, April 1.

It is possible that the number of victims of takjil food poisoning will increase because the number distributed by the social service committee is 300 packs of takjil and not only residents of Mayang District.

"The takjil food was distributed to residents who crossed the Mayang Village national road, Mayang District. We continue to collect data on victims who are poisoned," he said.

Information gathered at the Mayang Police was recorded as many as 64 people who were victims of takjil food poisoning who underwent treatment at several PKM and clinics, namely PKM Mayang, Purwoko Clinic, Bhakti Pratama Clinic, Harapan Sehat Clinic, and PKM Pakusari.

"The inpatient room at PKM Mayang was unable to accommodate dozens of people, so we tried to move the patients to the nearest PKM or clinic," he said.

The police have also arrested seven committee members who distributed free takjil food to road users who crossed the Mayang Village national road.

"We ask for their information about the manufacture of takjil food which causes mass poisoning. They are already at the Mayang Police for questioning," he said.

Dozens of people from Mayang Subdistrict are suspected of having experienced mass poisoning after enjoying the takjil food which was distributed free of charge on Sunday (31/3) afternoon. Then in the evening all residents who ate takjil were taken to the PKM Mayang emergency unit.

"Their complaints mean stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea after two to three hours of takjil eating distributed on the road," said PKM Head Mayang Hamid Dwi Supriyanto.

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