JAKARTA - The case of counterfeiting fuel oil (BBM) is still happening in several regions in Indonesia. The variant that has often been falsified recently is the first type.
Executive Director of the Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute (Lemkapi) Edi Hasibuan stated that it is not easy to distinguish real Pertamax from fake ones. "We know that special expertise is needed to ensure that Pertamax is genuine or fake," said Edi as quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 31. Edi explained that the disclosure of fake BBM cases also requires high patience and caution so that this police operation can prove legally. Therefore, Edi appreciates the success of the Directorate of Non-Criminal Crimes (Tipiter) of the Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) of the National Police which has uncovered the first forgery. "We see the actions of the perpetrators have been troubling the public. Buyers buy firstx at gas stations but instead get fake ones," he said.
He said that the disclosure of this case was an effort by the National Police to provide comfort to the community ahead of the flow of homecoming, return or the celebration of Lebaran 2024. According to the records of Lemkapi, the ranks of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police have revealed many crimes since the past year. Starting from big drug crimes involving Fredi Pratama, trafficking in persons, cyber crimes to banking crimes.
"All of this was done to provide a sense of comfort and security to the community," said Edi. Previously, the Directorate of Certain Crimes (Tipiter) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police revealed the case of fake Pertamax sales by changing the color of pertalite fuel to resemble the color of Pertamax and then selling it as a pertamax.
The price of pertalite which is supposed to be Rp. 10,000, but after being changed to color resembles the first is sold at a price of Rp. 12,950 per liter or according to the current price of Pertamax. Director of Tipidter Brigadier General Pol Nunung Syaifuddin in Jakarta, Thursday (28/3), said there were five people named as suspects, with the number of gas stations committing fraud there are four in the Depok, West Jakarta and Tangerang City areas. "The evidence that we confiscated in total of these four gas stations contained 29,046 liters of suspected fake BBM Pertamax in the four gas station storage tanks," he said. This action was carried out by the perpetrators from January 2023 to January 2024 and the suspects had already made a profit of more than Rp. 2 billion. Nunung appealed to all gas stations not to make a profit by cheating ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah. The police confirmed that they would take action if they found a gas station that was fraudulent.
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