Pedestrians Died Of Running Collision In North Jakarta
Photo Antara

JAKARTA - A pedestrian with the initials NP died as a victim of a hit-and-run on Jalan Sulawesi Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Sunday morning at around 03.00 WIB.

"The male victim was run over by a trailer truck that was allegedly without registration number," said Head of Laka Satlantas Polres Metro North Jakarta, AKP Edy Wibowo in Jakarta, Sunday.

He said this incident was a hit-and-run action and officers were still trying to find the identity of the driver and the perpetrator's car.

According to him, this victim died at the scene and his party immediately processed the crime scene (TKP) and took the victim's body to the hospital for examination.

According to him, from witness testimony, this trailer vehicle drove from south to north near the North Jakarta MTI Depot, then this car hit a pedestrian crossing the road and immediately fled leaving the victim.

"We are still developing this case," he said.

He appealed to the public to be more careful when driving on the highway so that they always have complete letters and security by using helmets for two wheels and seat belts for four wheels.

He also appealed to pedestrians to walk on the sidewalks that have been provided and pass roads on routes that are not allowed to pass.

"If you cross, you have to be careful and look right on the left and cross at the zebra crossing or the existing pedestrian bridge," he said.

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