There Was A Loud Explosion Outside The Cibubur Tourism City Housing Complex, Near The Toronto Cluster
The explosion occurred near the Kota Wisata Kab. Bogor. (photo: special)

JAKARTA - On Saturday, March 30, at around 6:40 p.m. local time, a loud explosion was heard outside the Cibubur Tourism City housing complex, next to the Toronto Cluster. This incident caused local residents to flee their homes.

When the explosion occurred, the atmosphere of calm in the environment was immediately shaken. The sound of a strong explosion sparked concern and tension among the surrounding population.

Residents reacted quickly, leaving the house to find out what happened. Some of them immediately contacted security officers and emergency services, while others tried to check the safety conditions of residents and neighbors.

Local security officers immediately responded to this incident. "This happened outside the Toronto cluster complex, for residents of safe housing," said Sari, one of the residents of Cluster Toronto, when contacted by VOI.

The exact source of the explosion is not yet known. However, according to information from residents, the explosion occurred in eleven Block YA Cluster Toronto. Until now, there has been no definite information regarding the origin of the explosion. There are no reports of casualties or damage caused by the incident. Residents are asked to remain vigilant and comply with instructions from local security officers. Further information will be conveyed in line with developments in the situation.

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