JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya will monitor travelers who use two-wheeled vehicles or motorbikes. Supervision is carried out on alternative routes to the Jakarta border.
"Later at the center of the implementation, we from Polda Metro Jaya will also provide security for them, especially indeed two wheels," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Latif Usman, Saturday, March 30.
In addition, a monitoring post will be established. The plan is for the post to be located at two points, namely Kalimalang and Daan Mogot.
It is known that these two points are arterial routes that are often used by motorists to go outside Jakarta.
"We will later establish a monitoring post for two-wheeled riders, namely in Kalimalang which is heading east and in Kalideres to the west," he said.
Then, travelers who use motorbikes will be dealt with if they drive according to the rules such as riding more than one person. The form of prosecution is not in the form of a ticket but a warning and education.
However, if there are drivers who are not cooperative and obey the rules, they will be diverted to make a U-turn.
"It is hoped that if they (homecomers) no matter how small the violation, we will definitely take action, that action once again does not mean that they have to be ticketed. We reprimand, we remind, maybe we will turn it around to improve the luggage first, we will remind those who are more content," said Latif.
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