PeKANBARU - Riau Province Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) is following up on reports of the appearance of tapir (Tapirus indicus) in residential houses, precisely in Family Residence Housing, Pebatuan Village, Kulim District, Pekanbaru City.

Head of the Technical Division of BBKSDA Riau, Ujang Holisidin, Friday said the "wildlife rescue unit" (WRU) team had conducted socialization and had a dialogue with residents and the head of the local neighborhood unit. From information, it is known that the tapir passed in the residents' ponds and gardens.

"The team then checked the location of the bush and the location around the housing complex but it was not found. Then the team gave a contact call center if there was any latest information about the whereabouts of the tapir," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 29.

Previously, it was reported that residents on Wednesday night (27/2), in the housing complex there was a tapir roaming around. One of the residents who was driving a car after work got a copy of a tapir who passed the road in a densely populated housing complex.

The resident then recorded and sent only in the housing complex group. Then one of the residents sent the video to the animal love foundation.

Seen in the video, the tapir is quite large with a white color on the body and the rest is black. Tapir was seen running on the residential road followed by residents driving a car while recording.

The appearance of the last tapir in Pekanbaru City was reported one year ago, but was found dead. The tapir suffered a number of wounds and has been surrounded by flies around the edge of Jalan Paus, Rumbai Pesisir District.

Based on the results of observations, the tapir is thought to have died from being hit by a vehicle. As a result, the cause of death was due to physical trauma to the right side of the head due to a hard impact.

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