KPU: Lawsuit Ganjar-Mahfud Salah Target
Follow-up hearing of the presidential election results at the Constitutional Court/PHOTO: Rizky Adytia-VOI

JAKARTA - The General Election Commission (KPU) assessed that what was proposed by the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD camp was wrong. Because, between posita and petitum there is an inconsistency.

The assessment conveyed that the Head of the KPU Legal Team, Hifdzil Alim, in the follow-up trial of disputes or Disputes over General Election Results (PHPU) with the agenda of responding to the petitioner's petition, Thursday, March 28.

"That if the posita part is associated with petitum, in fact there is an inconsistency," said Hifdzil.

According to him, the discrepancy in the lawsuit of presidential and vice presidential candidates number 3 is because the petitioner's posita argued that the violation of structured, systematic, and massive fraud (TSM) was in the form of a buse of power which was coordinated in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

Where, President Joko Widodo or Jokowi is said to be one of the masterminds of the fraud.

"However, the fact is that the President is not a participant in the election and is not a party to file a case in the PHPU a quo dispute,"

On that basis, the lawsuit filed by Ganjar-Mahfud was considered wrong because of the incompatibility between the posita and the petitum.

"So that the arguments for the petitioner's petition, either in the posita or petitum, are inappropriate to convey in this PHPU dispute and the wrong target, because it is not related to the respondent, so that this makes the posita not in sync with the petitioner's petitum who disqualifies one of the candidate pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates," said Hifdzil.

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