A number of public users of facilities from the Mokopido Tolitoli Hospital appreciate the services received so far, one of which is Sukma who is also a BPJS member patient.

"In this hospital, maybe the facilities can be added, such as a blood check, not referring to Palu, wash his blood," Sukma said in an official statement from the Press Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 27.

Although he considered positive for the health services that had been received so far, Sukma hopes that Mokopido Tolitoli Hospital can improve health facilities.

In line with that, another BPJS patient, Yunike, expressed his hope that the health facilities at the Mokopido Tolitoli Hospital could increase so that services to patients would be more optimal.

The increase in health facilities is also expected to be able to minimize referrals to other cities/districts if there are emergency cases.

"If there are patients who are serious or have to be referred, refer to the district capital, which is approximately 12 hours apart. That's even if we travel by land 12 hours the road is extraordinary," said Yunike.

Yunike also hopes that medical personnel such as experts in hospitals can be increased in number.

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