Damage Of Houses In West Pasaman, 1 Of 3 Perpetrators Of Genset Robbers Arrested
The perpetrators of the theft of the generator machine were arrested by the ranks of the Sungai Beremas Police. (Between/HO-Humas Polres West Pasaman).

West Pasaman Resort Police arrested one of the three perpetrators of theft of a generator machine belonging to one of the residents in Jorong Parit, Nagari Parit, Koto Balingka District. West Pasaman Police Chief AKBP Agung Tribawanto said the perpetrator with the initials SF (33) a resident of Jorong Sigalagan, Nagari Parit. "The perpetrator was arrested while the perpetrator was riding a motorbike on the Jorong Parit, Nagari Parit, Koto Balingka sub-district," said West Pasaman District, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Wednesday 27 March, was confiscated by Antara. The police chief explained that the incident of theft of the generator occurred on Monday, March 25 at around 03.30 WIB when the victim Muhammad Soddiq was not at home. The perpetrator entered into the house by breaking the walls of the house made of wooden boards and triplek boards and then removed the generator from the back door. "We have already pocketed the generators," said the police chief.

Aksi pencurian satu unit genset ini pertama kali terlihat dari hasil rekaman kamera pengawas (CCTV) yang melihat aksi pelaku T masuk ke dalam rumah dan pelaku SY dan SF membawa genset tersebut ke arah jalan menuju arah Ujung Gading.Berbekal hasil rekaman tersebut, korban bersama warga lainnya langsung mengejar pelaku.Mengetahui aksinya ketahuan, pelaku sempat membuang hasil curiannya ke semak-semak yang berada di gang Tahu, Nagari Ujung Gading, Kecamatan Lembah Melintang."Pelaku sempat menyangkal telah melakukan pencurian genset tersebut. Setelah diperlihatkan hasil rekaman CCTV, barulah pelaku mengakui telah mencuri satu unit genset warna biru milik korban Muhammad Soddiq," ujarnya.Kepolisan kemudian mengamankan pelaku dan membawanya Polsek Sungai Beremas untuk kepentingan penyidikan.Atas perbuatan pelaku, penyidik menjerat pelaku dengan pasal 363 ayat (1) ke 3, ke 4 dan ke 5 KUHP dengan ancaman hukuman tujuh tahun penjara.

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