The judge of the Medan District Court, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) sentenced the defendant Jumidah, a resident of Batang Kuis District, Deli Serdang Regency, in the case of being a courier of 140 kilograms of marijuana.

"Sentenced the defendant Jumidah to live wells," said Chief Judge Ahmad Sumardi while reading the verdict at the Medan District Court, North Sumatra, Wednesday, March 27.

Ahmad Sumardi continued, the defendant was proven and guilty of violating Article 114 (2) in conjunction with Article 132 (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 concerning Narcotics.

"The aggravating thing is that the defendant does not support the government's program in eradicating drugs," said Ahmad Sumardi.

Meanwhile, the mitigating thing was that the defendant regretted his actions which brought evidence in the form of marijuana weighing 140 kilograms and had never been convicted.

After reading the verdict, the panel of judges gave the defendant a period of seven days to think, the defendant's legal adviser and the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the North Sumatra High Prosecutor's Office received or appealed the decision.

This decision is lighter than the demands of the North Sumatra Prosecutor's Office, Roceberry Christanthy Damanik, against the defendant Jumidah with the death penalty.

Previously, Roceberry said that the indictment revealed that North Sumatra Province BNN officers received information about the circulation of marijuana-type narcotics on Jalan Jamin Ginting which paraded to Berastagi, Karo Regency.

After receiving this information, the officer headed to the location to conduct an investigation. After that, the team stopped a car that was passing by and found evidence of 140 packs of marijuana weighing 140 kilograms.

"In addition, officers arrested Salman, Aman Devi, Mirsamsuri and Ilias Putra (the prosecution was carried out separately). The evidence was brought on the orders of Sudir (DPO) to be handed over to the defendant Jumidah in Medan," said Roceberry.

Then the defendant picked up and received the marijuana brought by witnesses Salman, Ilyas and Mirzamsuri from Aceh, on Solihin (DPO)'s orders to be given to Sukirman (DPO).

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