Was Recorded By CCTV, Laptop Thief And IDR 38 Million In Tangerang Private School Arrested
Suspect of theft of money and laptop at a Tangerang school/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG The man with the initials SH (19) was arrested by the police for the crime of theft of a laptop and Rp38 million in cash at a private school in Pagenjahan Village, Kronjo, Tangerang Regency, Wednesday, March 20. Tangerang Police Chief Kombes Baktiar Joko Mujiono said the perpetrator was in action alone.

"The perpetrator entered the school room by climbing the foundation fence and prying out the window to enter. Then he took a laptop and Rp38 million in cash," Baktiar said in his statement, Tuesday, March 26.

The incident was revealed when the school manager arrived in the morning. The guard saw the condition of the room was messy and the safe was open.

After checking CCTV camera footage, officers found footage of a man committing theft.

The police who received the report immediately conducted an investigation and finally arrested SH.

"After being interrogated and faced with CCTV footage, the perpetrator admitted his actions," he concluded.

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