BENGKULU - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Mukomuko will immediately issue a decision letter (SK) for the temporary dismissal of six civil servants (PNS) who were caught in the 2016-2021 local hospital budget management alleged corruption case. "Now it has been proposed by the decree for the temporary dismissal of the six employees to the Legal Section of the Mukomuko Regency Regional Secretariat," said Head of Procurement, HR Development, and ASN Education of the Personnel Agency, Education, Human Resources (HR) of Mukomuko Regency Niko Hafri, Monday, March 25. The Ministry of Personnel, Education, Human Resources (BKPSDM) of Mukomuko Regency filed a decree for dismissal after receiving a warrant for the detention of the six civil servants by the Mukomuko District Attorney (Kejari). Mukomuko detention seven people after being named as suspects in the case of alleged corruption in the budget management of the Mukomuko Hospital for the 2016-2021 fiscal year. Of the seven suspects in this alleged corruption case, six suspects have the status of civil servants and one suspect has the status of retired employees.

Sebanyak tujuh tersangka kasus dugaan korupsi RSUD Mukomuko, yakni TA mantan Direktur RSUD periode tahun 2016-2020, AF mantan Bendahara Pengeluaran BLUD RSUD 2016-2019, AT mantan Kabid Keuangan RSUD 2018-2021, HI mantan Kabid Pelayanan Medis RSUD 2017-2021.Lalu KN, mantan Kasi Perbendaharaan dan Verifikasi Bidang Keuangan RSUD Mukonuko 2016-2021, JM mantan Bendahara Pengeluaran BLUD periode 2020-2021, dan HF mantan Kabid Keuangan RSUD 2016-2018.Setelah terbit SK pemberhentian sementara enam pegawai negeri sipil, katanya, selanjutnya SK itu disampaikan ke beberapa instansi terkait seperti Badan Keuangan Daerah (BKD) berkaitan dengan gaji.Kemudian, katanya, pihaknya menyampaikan ke BKN yang berkaitan dengan kepegawaian.Sementara itu, Kasi Pidsus Kejaksaan Negeri Mukomuko Agung Malik Rahman Hakim mengatakan bahwa pihaknya menahan tujuh orang ini setelah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka atas kasus dugaan korupsi pengelolaan anggaran RSUD Mukomuko tahun anggaran 2016-2021."Mereka ditahan selama 20 hari ke depan, jika diperlukan penahannya diperpanjang sampai selama 40 hari," ujarnya.

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