Head of the Social Security Administration (BPJS) for Health Samarinda Branch, East Kalimantan (Kaltim), asked the public to immediately report to his party if they found that there were hospitals that were limiting the number of hospital days for patients. "Immediately report to us if there is such a thing, because there is no restriction on hospitalization days for patients with the National Health Insurance (JKN) program. Patients must be treated thoroughly," said Head of BPJS Kesehatan Samarinda Citra Jaya Branch in Samarinda, Friday. He said, without any restrictions on the day of hospitalization, this is included in six BPJS Health service promises, so that the promise is a consequence that must be fulfilled for the convenience of participants. The six promises are treatment by simply showing a Population Identification Number (NIK) in the Identity Card (KTP), there is no need for photocopies of JKN/KTP/KKK cards when accessing services in health facilities, no additional costs or iur costs during treatment according to procedures. Then there is no restriction on inpatient days for JKN patients, health facilities must ensure the availability of drugs and not burden participants looking for drugs if there is a drug vacancy, the last is a friendly service without discrimination. "There have been reports of drug problems that are said to be empty, so the patient's family must buy medicines at the pharmacy. Anyway, if there are hospitals whose services are not in accordance with our six promises, report them immediately," said Citra.

Ia menyatakan bahwa pihaknya beberapa kali menerima laporan keluhan tentang enam janji itu, bahkan detail menyebut nama rumah sakit, nama dokter, petugas yang melayani, hingga kronologi, sehingga pihaknya pun dengan cepat melakukan penanganan."Hasil laporan dari keluarga pasien atau langsung pasien ini efektif bagi kami melakukan langkah lanjutan dan evaluasi, karena yang terjadi ini fakta di lapangan. Sanksinya pasti ada, tapi tidak terlalu berat berupa pemutusan kerja sama, karena hal ini berkaitan dengan pasien lain yang masih berobat atau rawat inap," ujarnya.

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