A total of 24,436 residents of Demak Regency, Central Java were forced to evacuate due to flooding which is still inundating their residence to this day.

Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari said tens of thousands of flood victims who were still displaced occupied emergency tents and public facilities that were used as temporary shelter posts.

There were 16 emergency tents and posts spread over 16 locations, each in the Karanganyar, Karang Teng Tengah, Gajah, Wonosalam, Sayung, and Demak sub-districts.

According to him, 24,436 residents in the six regions chose to evacuate because their houses were still flooded as high as 50 centimeters based on reports from the Pusdalops team in the field this afternoon.

Namun kondisi ini jauh lebih baik ketimbang beberapa hari sebelumnya yang mana ada 10 kecamatan di Demak tergenang banjir mencapai 2 meter lebih dengan total jumlah warga yang terdampak lebih dari 92 ribu orang.

Abdul ensured that basic needs such as food, clean water, and medicines for every Demak resident affected by the flood would be met by the government during this disaster emergency period.

Likewise, efforts to overcome the impact of flooding are still being carried out until now by joint officers such as; deploying dozens of pump units to suck up flood puddles, and strengthening the Wulan River embankments which were previously hit by floods. This includes data collection on public facilities and damaged agricultural land for improvement efforts by the government through related institutions.

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