JAKARTA - Head of the Anies-Muhaimin (AMIN) National Law Team (THN) Ari Yusuf Amir said the presidential and vice presidential candidates number 1 Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar would be presented at the hearing on the dispute over the results of the general election (PHPU) at the Constitutional Court (MK).

However, Ari did not know when Anies and Cak Imin's schedule would be in court. This is because the 2024 election dispute lawsuit was only registered today.

"Present, present both of them. The schedule will be asked to the Constitutional Court, yes," said Ari at the Constitutional Court building, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 21.

THN AMIN is said to have prepared all needs related to the 2024 presidential election dispute since a month ago. Previously, the team had also gathered many legal experts who helped prepare a study to finalize the lawsuit to the Constitutional Court.

Thus, Ari claimed that the Anies-Muhaimin camp had evidence and could present strong witnesses and convince the judge of the Constitutional Court or his lawsuit.

"Of course, in the facts we convey, we also attach support for evidence in the field. Well, for more details, later we will see the evidence in the trial process," explained Ari.

On that occasion, Ari explained the goals to be achieved from the lawsuit on the results of the 2024 General Election. The Anies-Muhaimin camp wants a special re-election for the presidential election.

The re-voting, which AMIN wants, continued Ari, was carried out without including Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a candidate.

"If later this was accepted as a strong argument by the constitutional court, of course we would expect a re-vote," said Ari.

"That is replaced by the deputy candidate, please, whoever is replaced. Let's fight honestly, fairly, freely," he added.

Ari emphasized that the estuary of the alleged fraud that occurred was Gibran's candidacy as a vice presidential candidate.

After Gibran became a vice presidential candidate, Ari said that other alleged violations continued to emerge with the aim of winning President Joko Widodo's eldest son in the presidential election.

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