YOGYAKARTA – The rainy season with low temperatures and humid environments, makes many people catch colds and flu. When experiencing it, of course it will be uncomfortable in the body. Sleeping at night also becomes restless because breathing is blocked by mucus in the nose, muscle pain, and coughing. Because sleep is important for recovery and strengthening the immune system, follow these ways to sleep well when you have a cold and flu.
1. Add a pile of pillows
The position of the head is higher than the chest, helps minimize the buildup of mucus in the throat. You can stack two pillows or make sure your neck is comfortable. That means you don't need to sleep sitting up, just add a pile of pillows to raise the position of your head.
2. Drink warm drinks
Warm and steamy drinks drunk before bed can help relieve a sore throat. While also being able to relieve nasal congestion. Decaffeinated tea is the right choice. Add honey to make it taste good. You can drink ginger tea, peppermint tea, or chamomile tea. These types of tea are efficacious in helping you relax, breathe easier, or fight infections.

3. Use nasal decongestants
Nasal decongestants work to reduce swollen tissue in the nose which also reduces mucus production. According to Healthline, Tuesday, November 19, this will help you breathe easily and sleep well. Nasal decongestants can be obtained at pharmacies or supermarkets without a doctor's prescription. The types of choices are in the form of pills, nasal sprays, and drops. However, nasal decongestants must be considered by who can use them. Generally not recommended for children under 3 years of age. In addition, avoid decongestants for too long because long-term use causes symptoms to recur which are worse than before starting treatment.
4. Try taking cough medicine
A cough due to the common cold keeps you awake all night and makes you tired. Cough medicine that can be bought without a prescription can help provide temporary relief so you can sleep well at night. This type of cough medicine is formulated to thin mucus in the lungs so that it is easier to cough out.

5. Gargle with salt water
Gargle with salt water before bed can help relieve a sore throat and prevent the infection from getting worse. This is a natural and inexpensive way to relieve discomfort. This gargle is a mixture of ¼ to ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Stir until the salt dissolves and use it to gargle.
6. Saline solution for rinsing the nose
According to research, saline solution for rinsing the nose is also commonly used for sinus rinsing. This can help reduce nasal congestion, clear mucus and germs, and relieve breathing.
Saline solution is used to rinse the nasal passages. It is important to note, use sterile and distilled water or water that has been boiled beforehand.
7. Use eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil can help relieve and make you more comfortable. Rub this oil on your neck. Because eucalyptus oil has a cooling effect, it makes it easier to breathe.
8. Take a hot shower
Hot water vapor can help thin and remove mucus in the sinuses. This can make breathing easier. Taking a warm shower is also a great way to relax before bed. But make sure the water is at a comfortable temperature, not too hot. If possible, close the bathroom door so that the steam collects.
Those are eight ways to sleep well when you have a cold and flu. In addition to doing the above methods, it is important to get enough nutrition, be hydrated enough, and if you don't get better but your condition gets worse, you should see a doctor.
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