TAPANULI - A video of a girl (8) being tortured to put her in a sack in Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) has gone viral on social media. The police have now arrested the perpetrator of the abuse who is her own biological aunt.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Central Tapanuli Police, AKP Arlin P Harahap, explained that the victim's biological mother, Bintang Situmorang (40), reported to the police that her son with the initials PHN was a victim of violence by the perpetrator MS (37) who was the victim's biological aunt.

"Currently, the perpetrator has been arrested and detained by the Central Tapanuli Police on Tuesday 19 March for processing in accordance with the Law on Child Protection," said Arlin.

He said the case of violence against children occurred at the PT Nauli Sawit Housing complex, Keluraham Bajamas, Sirandorung District, Central Tapanuli Regency.

This incident was revealed after the perpetrator's neighbor went viral on social media so that the victim's mother, a resident of Aek Muara Pinang Village, Sibolga, saw the video.

The mother of the victim who works as a household assistant reported the case to the Central Tapanuli Police. "The victim was given by her mother to the perpetrator (the biological agent) at the request of the perpetrator to the victim's mother, so that the child of the perpetrator has a playmate," explained AKP Arlin.

Kasat Reskrim explained that the victim was asked to stay and be cared for by her aunt since January 2022. The victim is an orphan since early 2024.

While in the viral video, the victim seemed to be crying while carrying two jerry cans of water. The boy walked without wearing footwear to the yard.

In the second video, the victim cried hysterically when she was put in a burlap sack. He was taken behind the house. When the boy was put in a sack, another person in the house was seen doing nothing.

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