JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has asked the Attorney General's Office (AGO) to follow Article 50 Paragraph 3 of the KPK Law regarding the handling of corruption at the Indonesian Export Financing Agency (LPEI). They cannot cross the limits that have been regulated because the anti-corruption commission is investigating the case.

"As is known, Article 50 Paragraph 3 of the KPK Law confirms that in the event that the KPK has carried out an investigation, other law enforcement officers, including the Attorney General's Office, are no longer authorized to do the same," said ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana to reporters in a written statement quoted on Thursday, March 21.

Kurnia said that if you follow the administrative facts described by the two leaders of the anti-corruption commission, the institution has moved first. "KPK received public complaints on May 10, 2023," said the anti-corruption activist.

Next, the investigation was carried out on February 13 by the KPK and the corruption case was raised to an investigation on March 19. This condition should be the basis for the AGO to stop the investigation starting from the report of the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani.

If there is a pretext, it states, for example, that the legal subject is different, of course irrelevant. Because, the facts of the criminal incident are most likely the same," said Kurnia.

Furthermore, Kurnia questioned the report submitted by Sri Mulyani to the AGO when the anti-corruption commission investigated the same allegations. "Is it really not aware that the KPK is conducting an investigation into the case? Even if you don't know why the Attorney General's Office chose the Attorney General rather than the KPK to report a criminal incident?"

Previously reported, the KPK said that LPEI had made the state lose up to Rp766,705,455,000 from financing PT PE. It is suspected that corruption occurred when the state-owned company financed it.

In addition, there are other companies suspected of cheating. "And we have investigated with the deputy of investigation," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata to reporters at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 20.

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