Central Sulawesi Bawaslu Officials Become Suspects Of Corruption In Grant Funds

PALU - The Central Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) has named an official of the Central Sulawesi Umun Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) with the initials SL as a suspect in the alleged corruption of grant funds.

"The suspect is suspected of alleged corruption in irregularities in the management of grant funds for the 2020 Central Sulawesi Governor Election in Bawaslu which is sourced from the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government Budget in 2020," said Head of Public Relations of the Central Sulawesi Attorney General's Office Abdul Haris Kiay in Palu as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 20.

The determination of SL as a suspect was carried out after investigators found more than two preliminary pieces of evidence in accordance with Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

Determination based on the investigation warrant of the Head of the Central Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office: Print-02/P.2/Fd.1/03/2024 dated March 19, 2024 and a warrant for the determination of the suspect: Print-22/P.2/Fd.1/03/2024 dated March 19, 2024.

"All investigation procedures have been carried out by the Attorney General's Office, today (Wednesday) SL has been named a suspect," he said.

The Prosecutor's Office will immediately draw up an agenda for the summons in question, because the suspect has not yet been detained.

"Of course, a summons will be carried out as soon as possible, because the Attorney General's Office has issued a letter determining the suspect," said Haris.

The Central Sulawesi Bawaslu that has been examined has returned Rp200 million in cash in installments, even so, the legal process related to the alleged corruption of the grant funds continues.

Reported from the results of the State Loss Financial Calculation (PKKN) by the auditor of the Central Sulawesi Representative Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) found a loss of Rp900 million.

"The results of the calculation already exist. The results of this calculation will be used as material for the next legal process," he said.

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