There Is An Untraceable Shift To A Voice Less Than 4 Percent, PPP Gets Ready To Complain To The Constitutional Court
Chairman Of The DPP United Development Party (PPP), Achmad Baidowi/DOK VOI

JAKARTA - The chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) DPP, Achmad Baidowi, said there was an untraceable shift in vote acquisition in several provinces based on the results of the General Elections Commission (KPU) recapitulation.

This caused PPP's vote to not reach the parliamentary threshold of 4 percent.

"There is a significant shift and we have reported it to Bawaslu," Baidowi told reporters, Wednesday, March 20.

One example of the shift in PPP's vote acquisition occurred in Central Papua, Papua Mountains and Papua. Where, the election was decided to use the noken system.

Based on PPP's internal findings, it is suspected that there was fraud in the noken process. This is because there is involvement of the local KPU in directing votes to certain parties.

"We found that the nokens that should have been from indigenous peoples but the nokens were carried out by the KPU, that's not allowed. The nokens given to PPP moved a lot to other parties," he said.

In fact, based on the party's internal calculations, PPP managed to pocket more than 4 percent of the national vote.

"Of course we are surprised by the results of the recapitulation because it is not appropriate, different from our internal data. However, we thus respect the processes that exist in the KPU in stages that have been carried out," he said.

Therefore, his party will take legal action by filing a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court after the determination of the results of the 2024 General Election is ratified.

"We want to restore the missing PPP vote. In our opinion, it should have reached 4.04 percent of our calculations," said Baidowi.

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