The Constitutional Court Officially Inaugurates The Task Force For Handling Disputes In The 2024 Election Results
Illustration of the Constitutional Court (MK). (Antanews)

JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) officially inaugurated members of the task force in order to support the handling of the 2024 General Election Result Dispute (PHPU) case.

The inauguration was led by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Suhartoyo and followed by an oath reading which stated the commitment of members of the task force to be loyal and obedient to the 1945 Constitution, maintaining integrity, being disciplined, dedicated and professional. I, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, hereby officially inaugurate the brothers in a new assignment within the secretariat and secretariat general of the Constitutional Court, in particular in the task force of handling the PHPU case, Suhartoyo said during the inauguration in front of Building II of the Constitutional Court, Central Jakarta, Tuesday 19 March, was confiscated by Antara. in his speech, he said that he believed that all MK employees who were included in the task force had committed to maintaining credibility, integrity, and maintaining institutional dignity in accordance with the contents of the oath that had been read out. I am sure that with the momentum of swearing in the afternoon today, then all of my colleagues have been attached to a commitment since now. Therefore, I am sure that my friends will also understand that if someone violates this commitment, there will be sanctions waiting there," he said.

Ia juga mengingatkan gugus tugas untuk bersiap serta menanamkan dan mempelajari kembali tugas masing-masing bagian yang pernah dipraktikkan melalui simulasi-simulasi maupun coaching clinic.“Saya bersama pimpinan tentunya mengharapkan dukungan dari teman-teman semua, rekan-rekan semua. Karena tanpa dukungan dari rekan-rekan semua juga tidak mungkin Mahkamah Konstitusi bisa memenuhi panggilan tugas konstitusional ini sehingga dapat menyelesaikan tugas-tugas konstitusional tersebut dengan baik dan dengan tuntas,” kata Suhartoyo.Keputusan penetapan gugus tugas penanganan perkara PHPU Tahun 2024 berdasarkan Keputusan Sekretaris Jenderal Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 141 Tahun 2024 tentang Gugus Tugas Dalam Rangka Dukungan Penanganan Perkara Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2024 di Lingkungan MK.Keputusan tersebut mulai berlaku sejak tanggal 20 Maret 2024 sampai dengan 30 Juni 2024. Bertugas sebagai penanggung jawab adalah Sekretaris Jenderal MK Heru Setiawan.

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