SURABAYA - The Anti-Mafia Land Task Force of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) succeeded in uncovering two land mafia cases that occurred in Banyuwangi and Pamekasan Regencies, East Java. This disclosure is the result of case spending that was carried out some time ago.

Minister of ATR/Head of BPN Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) said that there were two case files that had been P21 or complete in Banyuwangi and Pamekasan with five suspects.

"There are two case files that have been P21 or complete in Banyuwangi and Pamekasan with five suspects," said AHY, his nickname, Saturday, March 16.

In the case in Banyuwangi, it was revealed that the use of fake power of attorney was in the process of separating certificates at the local district land office. Losses reached around Rp. 17,769 billion with a land area of 14,250 square meters. The potential state losses from BPHTB (Bea Obtaining Land and Building Rights) and PPh (Income Tax) amounted to Rp506 million.

From the disclosure of this case, there are allegations of 1,200 fake certificates detained by the Banyuwangi Land Office on the instructions of the Anti-Mafia Land Task Force. AHY emphasized that with the disclosure of the two cases, the Ministry of ATR/BPR together with related policy makers have a commitment to eradicate the land mafia.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Tanah Anti-Mafia Task Force Brigadier General Police Arif Rachman explained that the disclosure of this case was based on reports from the Banyuwangi Police and the Pamekasan Police. For the Banyuwangi case, the incident occurred in January 2023 with the victim AKR who is the heir of the land. In this case, there were two suspects, namely the initials P (54) and PDR (34).

This case stems from the victim who wants to apply for a certificate separation process. The victim then used P's services as a broker to help. P then carried out the process but it was revealed that he used a fake power of attorney by attaching a signed site plan, stamps and registration numbers from the fake Public Works Office.

"The heirs do not know the separation. The potential loss is Rp. 17,769 billion. In addition, it is important for us to damage the data at the Land Office which should be a regional government asset that is not realized," said Arif.

Meanwhile, in the case of Pamekasan, where the facts on the object of the case were published by SHM 476 on behalf of D. The suspect is three people being processed at the Pamekasan Kejari. There is evidence of documents and several supporters. In this case there were three suspects with the initials B, (57); MS, (53); and S, (51) from Pamekasan, acting as a broker, with a victim with the initials D.

This case developed on a land area of 1,418 square meters with a land certificate in the name of D. Against the land, the late S made a fake document to apply for SHM (behavior certificate) to the Pamekasan Land Office and then issued SHM 02559 on behalf of S with an area of 1,408 square meters in 2020. In practice, the late S and three suspects sold the land at a price of Rp1.3 billion to Rudy Darmanto and caused losses to D.

From the proceeds from the sale, the suspect received a profit of Rp675 million which was divided into three. Where B received Rp45 million, MS received Rp615 million, and S received Rp15 million. For his actions, three suspects were charged with Article 385 paragraph 1 e of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code concerning participating in selling land even though it is known that those who own or have rights above him are others with a threat of 4 years in prison.

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