About To War With Sarong, 12 Youths At Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Were Taken To The Polsek
A group of teenagers were arrested by the police for causing a brawl/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA A total of 12 teenage boys were brought to the Pesanggrahan Police, South Jakarta to undergo a police investigation. They were arrested for being involved in a sarong war that was considered dangerous.

Pesanggrahan Police Chief Kompol Tedjo Asmoro said the dozens of teenagers were arrested on Friday, March 15, at 02.30 WIB.

"The 12 teenagers who wanted to do a sarong fight (war) between teenagers have been arrested," Tedjo said in his statement, Friday, March 15.

Tedjo explained that the actions of dozens of teenagers were reported by the public regarding dangerous activities on Jalan Jamblang, Petukangan, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.

In order to prevent unwanted things, his party immediately came to the location to carry out the security.

"The remake of the Ciledug prohibition with teenagers from Joglo Kembangan who are planning to do a sarong brawl (war) around JORR North Petukangan," he said.

There is no further information regarding the next process, but what is certain is that the perpetrators will be recorded at the local police station.

"Furthermore, they were taken to the Pesanggrahan Police Headquarters for further questioning," he concluded.

As is known, the sarong war was considered disturbing public order. The perpetrators deliberately put stones, motorcycle gir, iron, or other objects in the sarong with the aim of injuring their opponents. Therefore, this cannot be allowed and is considered juvenile delinquency.

The criminal process is ready to ensnare if the perpetrators are proven to have violated the statutory article, especially the Criminal Code.

The perpetrators of the sarong war can be charged with Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection as referred to in Article 76 C Article 80 paragraphs 1 and 2, and Article 170 of the Criminal Code concerning Beating with the threat of imprisonment above 5 years in prison.

If the sarong war results in the death of another person, then the perpetrator can be charged under Article 338 of the Criminal Code, which carries a maximum prison sentence of fifteen years.

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