JAKARTA - Secretary of the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the DKI Jakarta NasDem Party, Wibi Andrino, said that his party was one of those who received the allocation of the leadership of the DKI Jakarta DPRD for the period 2024-2029.
In Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Order of the DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD, it is explained that the leadership of the provincial DPRD consists of 1 DPRD chairman and four Deputy DPRD Chairs.
The leadership of the DPRD comes from a political party based on the order of most seats in the DPRD.
Then, who will qualify in the upcoming 2024 Legislative Election and will be elected as Deputy Chair of the DKI DPRD? Wibi admitted that he did not know. This is the authority of Surya Paloh as General Chair of NasDem.
"Pak Surya will convey later. Indeed, Pak Surya has a high taste in Jakarta. So, the person who is placed (as Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD) must be someone who really fits his taste," Wibi said when contacted, Thursday, March 14.
If you calculate the party vote acquisition in the DKI Jakarta Provincial KPU Decree Number 33 of 2024 concerning the Determination of the 2024 DKI Jakarta Provincial DPRD Member Election Results, NasDem will be the fourth most votes party after PKS, PDIP, and Gerindra Party.
Nasdem received 545,235 votes in the 2024 DKI DPRD Legislative Election. This number increased compared to the NasDem vote acquisition in the 2019 Legislative Election of 309,790 votes.
However, Wibi admitted that this achievement did not match the expectations of his party.
"Indeed, when we talk about the target, we hope that previously Nasdem was able to achieve the top 2. But with the achievement that it is still in the top 5 in DKI Jakarta with votes from 300 thousand votes to 545 thousand votes, we are also grateful," said Wibi.
Wibi views that one of the factors in increasing NasDem's vote acquisition in Jakarta will shift other political parties from the chair of the DKI DPRD leadership because it supports Anies Baswedan as a presidential candidate.
"We must be aware that the effect of Mr. Anies' tail is also felt. Many supporters of Mr. Anies also gave his choice to the NasDem Party, as the party that first brought Mr. Anies," he added.
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