JAKARTA - Exactly one year ago, the first COVID-19 case which infected Indonesian citizens was announced. Cases 01 and 02, after being confirmed to be infected with COVID-19, were immediately treated at the Sulianti Saroso Infectious Disease Hospital (RSPI), North Jakarta.

A year ago, former Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto immediately took a look at the condition of the two patients. After a while, Terawan along with officials from the Ministry of Health and the hospital came out of the isolation room.

At that time, the media crew was waiting for Terawan on the terrace of the hospital to dig up information about the patient's condition, including VOI journalists.

Almost all journalists present wore health masks. Some were brought before visiting the hospital, some also asked for masks from the hospital staff at the front of the room.

Meanwhile, neither Terawan nor his entourage wore masks. They just met a corona patient at the hospital. About five minutes Terawan gave an explanation, his eyes wandering. He was surprised that many media crews were wearing masks.

"Just a moment. I'm confused, is somebody sick? Why are you wearing masks?. I ask you, who is sick? You or me?", said Terawan at RSPI Sulianti Suroso, North Jakarta, Monday, March 2.

Terawan realized that the reason people who approached the location of the corona positive patient were wearing masks because there was a high level of concern if they could be infected at any time.

It has been a year of coronavirus in Indonesia, since March 2020. In March last year, the government officially announced the COVID-19 case in Indonesia, mentioning cases 01, 02, and so on.

VOI editorial (https://voi.id/) tried to rewrite when COVID-19 appeared in Indonesia. What and how confused this country is. Click here (Patients 01, 02, 03, and so on) for more information

But, he emphasized, people who are in good health do not need to wear masks. This, he said, was in accordance with health procedures from the World Health Organization (WHO). Only sick people should wear a mask.

"You (a healthy person) do not need to mask where you go, you will think that you are sick. Only the sick are wearing masks so they don't spread. The healthy ones will get protection from your immunity", said Terawan.

He said that because he was cared, actually. He reminded that at that time, the need for masks in Indonesia had increased since information on the coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China. Masks have become scarce and the prices have risen up.

In fact, The Police (Polda Metro Jaya) had conducted raids on illegal mask factories and warehouses. The perpetrators deliberately made masks that were not in accordance with Indonesian national standards because they knew of the increasing need.

After this remark, Terawan became a target for netizens because it turned out that the government made it mandatory to wear masks when leaving the house. This spotlight on Terawan is negative. This is because Terawan's communication style is not taken seriously by several parties.

Currently, the accumulation of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia has reached 1.341.314, of which 153.074 are active cases that are still undergoing treatment and isolation. The use of masks is still an obligation. Recalling Terawan's words a year ago raises awareness that the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult to predict when it will end.

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