JAKARTA - Floods hit the Semarang pantura route on Jalan Kaligawe which connects Semarang City with Demak Regency, Wednesday, March 13.

The flood occurred following the overflowing river around the road due to rain that has flushed Semarang since Tuesday, March 12 evening.

The puddle of water between 30-40 cm high starts from the Semarang toll bridge intersection to the east to the Terboyo Terminal intersection.

A member of the Genuk Police Traffic Unit, Aipda Mamik, said that the flood caused traffic flow from Semarang to Demak or vice versa to be disrupted.

According to him, puddles result in traffic jams.

Officers in the field, he said, appealed to motorcycle users and small vehicles to find alternative routes.

"There was a truck that broke down because the water level around the access to the toll road was quite deep," he said, confiscated by Antara.

He added that the flow of passing vehicles also occurred on the Yos Sudarso arterial road to Tanjung Emas Port, Semarang because of the high enough puddle at the Muktiharjo toll exit.

Moderate to high-intensity rain hit the Semarang City area and its surroundings in the last few days.

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