JAKARTA - Former British Prime Minister (PM) Boris Johnson traveled by private jet to South America. Johnson reportedly met Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro.

Quoting Mirror.co.uk, Johnson, who resigned from his position as leader of the United Kingdom Conservative Party and UK PM in the near future in 2022, did not have a role in government.

However, Johnson is claimed to have sent a "message" to British Foreign Minister David Cameron on this trip.

Maduro is known to be the head of state who has received a lot of criticism from western countries for his actions in leading Venezuela and his attitude towards geopoliticals.

Johnson's spokesman said a visit to Venezuela to embrace democracy. Johnson is also said to have urged Maduro not to trade in illegal weapons to Russia.

The Sunday Times explained that initially Johnson was on vacation in the Dominican Republic. At the location of his holiday, Johnson, who was staying at his wealthy colleague's house, sent a message to Cameron.

In less than 24 hours, Johnson is already near Venezuela's capital, Caracas.

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